Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hot Chocolate and Bibles

Each year, the grade 5 students in our sponsoring school in Canada (Pacific Academy) work to raise money for special needs that we have in our school.  Every day, volunteer students and parents, together with the teachers, prepare many cups of hot chocolate that are sold in the morning before classes begin.  Last year’s classes raised a substantial amount of money that we have been able to use here to purchase Bibles and textbooks for our students. 
Bibles 030
As our youngest primary students learn to read in Luganda (their ‘mother tongue’), they enjoy reading books on their own.  Most of them have no books at all in their homes, however. By the time they finish their second year of primary school many of them are able to read passages in a Luganda Bible.  So…as they begin their third year of school next week, they will be receive their own Bible.  Once students learn to read English and begin Primary 5, they are ready to receive a simply written English Bible.
Thanks so much to all the Pacific Academy grade 5 students, teachers and parents!!

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